A member asked:

If a pet scan indicates cancer but biopsy is normal, could i still have cancer?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Deborah Metzger answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Possibly.: A pet scan just indicates that there is an abnormality present . The biopsy is reassuring, but you need to discuss your concerns with your doctor and review just what the biopsy shows.

Answered 8/12/2015


Dr. Guido Davidzon answered

Specializes in Nuclear Medicine

PET is not 100%: The distribution and intensity of hyper-metabolic activity appearance on a pet/ct scan could be abnormal and may represent malignancy but is not pathognomonic and may also represent inflammation, infection or granulomatous disease. If biopsy is correctly done, results of direct tissue are usually more certain. However, short interval follow-up with pet/ct is often recommended.

Answered 12/9/2013



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