A member asked:

What are the major side effects of general anesthesia?

12 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Many side effects: The side effects are many but fortunately short lived. Probably the most significant is post operative nausea in the immediate period after surgery, this is treatable. Prolonged "grogginess", confusion in the elderly, sleepiness, sore throat(transient) are other side effects. It is important to know that these are typically absent on day two.

Answered 10/21/2018



Nausea, tiredness: The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, lethargy and sore throat. Major side effects are extremely rare, but anesthesiologists monitor carefully for them. These: problems with your breathing, heart or a reaction to one of the medications. In patients with dental work, occasionally teeth can get chipped or gums injured.Sicker patients have higher risks.

Answered 10/21/2018


Dr. Ernesto Pretto jr. answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

PONV: The most common side effects are post operative nausea and vomiting (ponv), sore throat, muscle aches and pains, and confusion disorientation and post operative cognitive decline, primarily among the elderly.

Answered 10/21/2018


Dr. Richard Pollard answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Pain and Nausea: Most of the anesthetic agents disappear very quickly. That is why patients only remember the post anesthesia care unit issues.The main postoperative problems that patients experience are pain and nausea. Both of these are easily treatable by an alert pacu staff.

Answered 10/21/2018



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