A member asked:

Was on wellbutrin. doc changed to zoloft and lamictil. bad mania. zoloft gone. added straterra & abilify (aripiprazole). bad. stopped. now want help to wean lamictil

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. James Fox answered

New Psychiatrist: Sounds like you have had a difficult time recently. And that you don't have a good therapeutic relationship with your psychiatrist if you are seeking help in managing your own medications here. Change psychiatrists and find one that you can work with. Your situation seems more complicated than simply how to stop a medication.

Answered 3/11/2019


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Psychiatric Meds: Zoloft can sometimes trigger mania or hypomania. You have clearly had a challenging time with your psychotropic medications. If you wish to stop your lamictal - it is very important to do so under your psychiatrist's supervision. Please don't try to handle your medications with only the input of on-line doctors who don't know you.

Answered 10/21/2018



This medication should be managed by a Psychiatrist. Please let your Doctor know about your side effects. If you are not confident in your Doctor please see another for a second opinion.

Answered 5/27/2022



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