A member asked:

What herbs cure tonsil stones?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mike Bowman answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

None really: It is not a medical problem, more of a physical one. Medications, herbs, mouthwashes generally don't help. If the tonsils have the deep crypts which trap food debris, tonsil stones will form. They can be removed cleaned out, but usually recur. If tonsil stones are a severe and chronic problem, tonsillectomy will cure the issues. See your local ent. Best wishes.

Answered 7/21/2018


Dr. Fred Harvey answered

Specializes in Geriatrics

None that I know: I see these in heavy meat and dairy users. I am suspicious of dairy sensitivity.

Answered 10/3/2016



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