A member asked:

How can you distinguish between meningitis and lyme disease?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Testing: Lyme disease can sometimes cause an inflamation of the coverings of the brain ( meninges) and thus cause meningitis. Meningitis is a location specific process and can be caused by a number of bacteria, viruses & other agents. Lyme disease usually presents by affecting other parts of the body. Blood & spinal fluid tests can define the cause of meningitis.

Answered 3/2/2019



Detailed testing: Lyme disease is caused by an agent that gets into the body usually from a tick bite. Growing the agent from culture is very difficult. Examination of spinal fluid is usually negative. Specific blood testing can detect antibodies that indicate the infection. The agents likes cranial nerves and peripheral nerves and can cause long term pain and disability. It is treatable with specific drugs.

Answered 7/30/2015



Lyme disease can ...: Cause a so-called aseptic meningitis similar to many viruses. The cerebrospinal fluid changes cannot easily be distinguished from other causes but antibody assays can make the diagnosis of lyme borreliosis.

Answered 6/15/2013



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