A member asked:

How does food poisoning spread?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Peter Curreri answered

Specializes in Pulmonology

By what you eat: Food poisoning doesn't spread from person to person. Rather, bacteria or virus is eaten which causes a reaction in your body. Everyone who eats the same food has similar reaction i.e. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , abdominal pain, etc.

Answered 11/13/2020


Dr. Howard Greller answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Hygiene and handling: Any improperly handled or prepared food can put you at risk of food poisoning. Food poisoning can be from bacterial contamination, a viral illness or from a toxin produced by a bacteria that is now in the food. Washing your hands, food and observing good hygiene in the kitchen can help reduce your risk.

Answered 2/17/2020



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