A member asked:

What are the symptoms of developmental delay of precise movements (fine motor movements)?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No progress: Initially the infant will not grasp things, will not use a pincer grasp to hold objects, then they won't turn pages of a book well, and will not hold a crayon or pencil properly, and the older child will not do delicate tasks or write well.

Answered 3/31/2016


Dr. Johanna Fricke answered

Specializes in Pediatrics - Developmental and Behavioral

When an infant or : toddler has not yet attained milestones that have been met by 90% of typically-developing infants his age, he has a significant delay. Babies attain objects with an ulnar-palmar grasp at 4 mos. By 7 mos. they have a "scissors grasp", At 9-10 mos. they start using a pincer grasp, refined by 12 mos. At 10 mos. they release a raisin into a bottle. Self-help skills are impacted by a fine motor delay.

Answered 8/14/2014



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