A member asked:

I drink a lot of water and trying to eat healthy always , but my skin is too dry and my face is yellow ??

12 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Several possibilitie: There are several possibilities. The first thing you worry about with yellow skin is liver disease but this can also be caused by eating lots of carrots. Dry skin can be a symptom of the you'd disease or can be due to what you are using to cleanse with. See your primary care provider for a full history and exam so that appropriate testing can be done. Hope this helps.

Answered 12/2/2014


Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Yellow?: Are the whites of your eyes yellow too? Are you eating a whole lot of carrots? Too many carrots can turn your skin orangey or yellowish. But yellow skin could mean jaundice too, from a liver problem which can be serious. If the whites of your eyes are yellow you need to get seen. No alcohol or meds, or supplements until you find out what is going on. If you have abdominal pain or fever to ER.

Answered 4/1/2016


Dr. Georgia Latham answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Good for you!: It sounds like you have not been blessed with healthy appearing skin, in spite of your efforts to maintain a healthy diet and stay well hydrated. It is great for your overall health and well being. There are many good moisturizers that help with dry skin. You can probably find some good cosmetics to improve the coloring of your face. Try getting a free facial at a make-up counter in a mall.

Answered 12/1/2014



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