A member asked:

Left tonsil swollen a little pain left ear little pain when swallow feels like lump in throat. bad breath nasty taste in mouth?

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Katharine Cox answered

Specializes in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Pain control: See your doctor for an assessment tomorrow. If you are unable to swallow and the pain and swelling are increasing be seen sooner. All the best and feel better.

Answered 11/27/2017


Dr. Matt Wachsman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Ok....: without an exam, I can only give general information. and sinus infection frequently causes these symptoms. furthermore signs of infection involving collectiions of purulent material are indicative of a situation in which antibiotics are helpful. Might mention that strep infections fail zithromax 1 in 3 times and the mroe serious fusibacterial infections (mouth germ) doesn't respond it at all.

Answered 7/9/2018


Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Get checked: Swollen tonsil, which can cause ear pain when swallowing, and bad breath is often a sign of strep throat, which must be treated with antibiotics so you don't get complications later. Please get seen or call your doctor.

Answered 2/25/2018


Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Vague: Hard to say without a thorough history and exam. I would see a Dr. and hopefully get an answer- possible tests, etc.

Answered 3/15/2015



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