A member asked:

Ima be 7 weeks pregnant my pregnancy is normal bt i have cramps on and off doctor said its normal as long as i dnt bleed should i get be worry?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: These kind of cramps are usually just growing pains. It is more worrisome if there is bleeding but even that can be normal. Keep in mind that your risk of miscarriage is about 15% and you usually, but not always, will have some of these symptoms when that happens.

Answered 11/24/2014


Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Agree with Dr.: Your Dr. is correct. Mild cramps can be normal. Worsening cramps and or bleeding can be problematic if that happens call the Dr. But as stated, do not worry if you simply have some mild cramps.

Answered 11/24/2014



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