A member asked:

My period is 9 days late, breasts are sore and i have cramps for a short period of time when i start exercising. i have taken two hpt both negative?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Ok: Pregnancy tests are very sensitive. Possibly you missed your period if you did not ovulate (anovulatory cycle), but also intense exercise, weight changes, thyroid, and anxiety etc, can all cause missed cycles. See Doctor if it does not come next month and you are still not pregnant by then.

Answered 11/17/2014


Dr. Nayana Trivedi answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You are not Pregnant: Just that there is Hormonal Imbalance and You have not had your period, It may be late or Skip this one completely. Watch for any Viral Infection, which can start as Muscle pain, Stomach flu. If you are trying to get pregnant -good. otherwise start using BCP.

Answered 1/16/2018



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