A member asked:

Tiny bit of blood on q-tip for rectal swab chlamydia test after inserting a few inches, also fecal matter. should i be worried about the bit of blood on tip of the swab? maybe inserted too much?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Blood on rectal swab: Yes. Something is amiss there. May be minor, may be not so minor. Be checked.

Answered 9/26/2014


Dr. Moshe Lewis answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Officially test: It is always best when you have a concern about any STD to get formally tested. Males and females who are sexually active with different partners or a new partner should not be afraid to use a condom, avoid anal sex and obtain each others STD status before starting or continuing relations. I would recommend you get an official test and your MD can also evaluate any rectal bleeding or lesion.

Answered 9/28/2014



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