A member asked:

How long should i stop exercise before breast augmentation surgery?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Darryl Blinski answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Exercises before AUG: Each surgeon will have their own pre operative protocols. I ask my patient to refrain from excessive chest muscle use for 1 week prior to sub muscular implant placement..

Answered 12/28/2016



Mild or weight train: Mild exercise can be performed up to the day of surgery but if patients are actively body building or weight training their pectoralis muscles, I often suggest they refrain for three weeks pre-operatively to avoid excessive vascularity of the muscle. After surgery aggressive contraction of the pectoralis may distort the appearance of implants placed under the muscle. http://youtu.be/UKLjD3DQK3U

Answered 9/25/2014



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