A member asked:

Age 17, female, chest (breastbone) pain, extreme bloating, constipation, hard/painful abdomen to touch, nausea, and feeling of fullness. any possible causes for someone of my age? symptoms started to develop around a year ago.

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Nazhat Sharma answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Pain upper abdomen: Not knowing if this is constant or related to food your pain appears to be in the upper abdomen with referred pain to sternum , fullness and tenderness. Stomache and Gall bladder disease can occur at your age depending on weight, eating habits and lipid levels. You need to see a Gastro Enterologist and get a checkup for blood in stool, ultrasound abdomen, CT scan & upper GI studies. Good luck

Answered 5/30/2018



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