Try antacids: The highest recommended dose of Advil, Motrin by prescription is 800mg every 6-8 hours. 5 otc Advil equal 1000mg and is to much. A trial of antacids and or a drug like Prilosec or Zantac (ranitidine) should help. Eat a well balanced meal and you should be fine. It would be advisable not to take so much in the future. These drugs can cause GI bleeding as well. Good luck and get the tooth fixed.
Answered 8/22/2014
Overdose: Pain pills don't cure anything, just block sensations. See package directions for correct dose. Contact your Physician to determine cause of headache and GI distress. Once causes delineated proper treatment can begin. As to toothache, probably infected tooth. Can't cure that with a pill, ointment, or snake oil. Call your Dentist before infection spreads. You need treatment now.
Answered 8/22/2014
See a dentist: If the toothache is caused by an infection or tooth decay, it won't go away on its own. The best way to prevent a toothache is to handle dental problems early on when they are treatable. It helps you to stay pain free, maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love and improve your general health. Take care.
Answered 8/22/2014
Not sure ..: if the Advil is the cause of your abdominal pain. I would stop the Advil for now, consider over-the-counter Zantac, (ranitidine) and if the pain does not resolve promptly, see your primary care doctor. Go to the emergency room if your stool should turn black or red, indicating possible bleeding. Good luck.
Answered 8/22/2014
What your question?: Stomachache can be caused by these meds. Headache and toothache can be related. Suggestion: see an Endodontist for evaluation ASAP!
Answered 8/22/2014
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