A member asked:

I am in sever pain on my right side all the way down to my pelvis bone it's only gotten worse when should i go to the er?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Alexander Blinski answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Now: There are many things that can cause pain down your right side. Without a complete history and physical exam I cannot give you insight. If you pain is new or recent and as you describe "severe", you should definitely go to see the doctor immediately to be checked out.

Answered 7/11/2015


Dr. Howard Shapiro answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Nephrology & Dialysis

See doctor this am: You should see a physician this morning. Some causes of pain like yours (a kidney or ureteral stone, for example) are serious and may keep getting worse until treated.

Answered 8/19/2014



Yes, go: When you say the pain is severe, that is sufficient enough reason to go to the emergency department, especially if the pain has not improved or is getting worse despite home treatments.

Answered 8/19/2014



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