A member asked:

My 1 year old is using aveeno (oatmeal) and derma smoothe from his dermatologist for his eczema. it's not working. skin is blotchy. what can i do?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Lori Semel answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Eczema: My advice on handling eczema is to limit the time in the bath tub, water is the enemy of eczema. To use aveeno (oatmeal), (oatmeal) cetaphil or dove sensitive skin soap only. To moisturize 2-3 times a day with cetaphil, aveeno (oatmeal) or aquaphor. And to use a steroid cream on the worst areas sparingly once daily. I hope this helps :)

Answered 12/31/2016



Ceramide, steroid: Soak in warm water long time, then rub in a ceramide cream. CeraVe, Eucerin Eczema Care, Aveeno (oatmeal) Eczema cream are a few. All areas of eczema rub in triamcinolone ointment .1% daily for 1 week, then .o25% daily for another week. Triamcinolone ointment .025% 3x a week maintenance. Allergy tests and antihistamines are not useful, nor are diets. This may be modified by individual needs and responses.

Answered 8/15/2014



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