A member asked:

I drink 2 liters of water daily but i don't feel the urge to go to the toilet until night,i have kidney stones,is this the cause?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not likely: It is possible that during the day the water is accumulating in the dependent parts, such as legs. When you lie down water is mobilized and kidneys excrete it. It is important for you drink water as you are doing. You may want to increase your intake of water early in the morning.

Answered 11/13/2020



Water: The amount of urine that you drink is certainly what is recommended. The fact that you don't feel the urge is not related to kidney stones. Having kidney stones can cause pain, nausea, vomiting and lead to dehydration. If the stone is causing blockage, that can certainly also decrease urine output from that kidney

Answered 8/14/2014



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