A member asked:

Pulse 206, bp 190/100, faint, dizzy, sweating, loss of appetite, joint pain, muscle weakness. 18 yrs of age?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Shashank Jain answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Urgent: If your pulse is that high and have those symptoms. you ought to get medical attention right now.

Answered 3/5/2016


Dr. Moshe Lewis answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Call your MD/Go 2 ER: Your numbers and symptoms are alarming even given the meds and procedures you have documented.It is not clear from your question if your symptoms are acute or chronic as they can all be related to your underlying thyroid condition or meds you are taking.Since you obviously have seen a specialist you need to reach out to them immediately and discuss your symptoms & next steps or go to the ER.

Answered 3/5/2016



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