A member asked:

It's been a long time that during winter i feel pain in my legs (not in the joints) for some days when the weather is cold. what can be the causer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jalal Zuberi answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Leg cramps: Just because you notice pain in legs in winter may have little to do with weather. Leg cramps have various causes including dehydration, electrolyte imbalance (Calcium, Sodium, potassium) and muscle fatigue etc. If taking OTC anti inflammatory meds dont help, pl get yourself checked for getting some lab work for an accurate diagnosis.

Answered 8/7/2014


Dr. Ashu Syal answered

Leg pains: In winter, several reasons for leg pains---- cold weather causes vasoconstriction of superficial cutaneous blood vessels, which is body mechanism to not to lose heat. However there could be several other reasons for leg cramps which might not be associated with cold weather. Anyway reasons need to be investigated

Answered 8/7/2014



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