Yes: A non sedating antihistamine is fine to take with DayQuil, which does not have the antihistamine that is in NyQuil. Probably a good idea, too if you have enough symptoms to warrant it.
Answered 8/3/2017
Dayquil + zyrtec (cetirizine): Yes. Dayquil has acetaminophen, dextromethorphan and phenylephrine in it, and none of these are an antihistamine. Zrytec is just an antihistamine, it will dry up your mucus and help with allergies. Hope you feel better soon.
Answered 4/25/2018
You CAN but...: both medications contain antihistamines, which if taken in excess, can cause excess sedation and dryness. Elderly people and young children are at higher risk for having adverse reactions to antihistamines, which can include confusion, instability, etc.
Answered 4/30/2018
You can: As Zyrtec is an antihistamine - think like benadryl. Dayquil contains Tylenol (acetaminophen) and a decongestant(some contain a cough suppressant too). In general there is no contraindication to taking the medications together.
Answered 8/31/2017
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