A member asked:

Have 11mm kidney stone in left kidney. no pain. getting it blasted in 2 weeks. anything i should avoid to prevent it from moving before then??

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Kidney stone care: Kidney stones tend to move with high activity or jostling activity. To manage this carefully and conservatively, I recommend you rest, drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day, include as much lemon extract or high potency lemonade as you can tolerate, because it has citrate, which limits stone production, then otherwise maintain a low protein diet intake. After the stone is removed, diet is key.

Answered 7/24/2014


Dr. James Lin answered

Here are some ...: Kidney stone is usually quiet and causes no pain if staying inside the calyx; if rolling around inside the funnel part of kidney (called renal pelvis), such stone may cause intermittent obstruction like a ball valve. In reality, minimizing vigorous physical activities like jumping to shake off from its attach to calyceal papilla or jerking out of calyx may help; otherwise, there is no magic to...

Answered 7/24/2014



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