?Nephritis: or nephropathy is what I think you mean. The outlook depends on a number of factors including how long the analgesics were taken, how much was taken and how long the function has been impaired. You need to be seen by a Kidney Specialist.
Answered 7/27/2014
Mixed : I am assuming you mean NASAID induced acute renal failure and those shold respond to cessation of the culprit medication. Often patients with advanced CKD may not show improvement. Keep hope things should get better. Have your blood work repeated in a few weeks.
Answered 6/14/2015
Analgesic nephropath: Hi dalton1, if you mean analgesic nephropathy then it depends on how damaged your kidneys were and whether you are still taking analgesic medications. Ibuprofen itself can cause kidney injury but when mixed with codeine, tylenol, (acetaminophen) aspirin, etc, you can have severe injury. If your kidneys are working fine and you no longer take analgesia, then there is a good chance no further injury will occur.
Answered 7/22/2016
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