A member asked:

Aneurysm or high risk of heart attack or stroke cause taste of blood in throat?myocardial infraction, inflamed plaque,head pain,chest pain-symptoms!?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Not signs: This would not be a sign of those conditions. You may be having some postnasal drop or sinus type problem. See your Physician if symptoms persist or worsen.

Answered 7/3/2014



Never heard of that: I've never heard nor read of that symptom you describe as an aura or prelude to either heart attack or stroke. If the taste persists you may wish to have that checked since it could indicate an actual small area of bleeding somewhere in your esophagus or pharynx meaning that the taste is not just "in your head" but rather it's really blood. And that you'll need to fix or at least figure out.

Answered 7/3/2014


Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Taste of blood: Taste of blood may be coming from post nasal drip that is blood tinged and not from an aneurysm

Answered 7/3/2014



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