A member asked:

Whats the importance of mental hygiene?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Prevention essential: If we can instill healthy mental attitudes, habits, and behavior from the beginning, we can diminish or prevent mental illness. It starts with education of parents, who may also have painful experiences of their own that get passed along to children. With people who are already ill, we can give needed support and education that improves their outcomes. These are just a few possibilities.

Answered 11/14/2018



Huge: Mental hygiene covers all those practices helping us to have good physical and mental health. Therefore, things like structuring the day so that is not too overwhelming, journaling, sleeping adequately etc, can be considered both preventive and curative measures

Answered 12/5/2017



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