A member asked:

I binge drank a lot (2-3 times a week) from 21-25.dont drink at all now.mom had breast cancer at 54. terrified i'm doomed to get breast cancer because of family h/x and so much drinking. what do i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Masiello answered

Specializes in Hematology and Oncology

Mamogramas: Get your moms history of breast cancer, type stage, treatment received, and take this information to your doctor to see if you are eligible for heriditary breast cancer screeening (BRCA testing). The use of alcohol in the past is a minor risk for breast cancer and not a huge concern, the bigger issue is your mother history.

Answered 9/25/2016


Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

All you can: Do is live a healthy lifestyle now. Eat healthy, exercise. Sleep 7-8 hr a night and have bright outlook on life. Don't look back and continually think about what can't be changed and might not even affect you in the future.

Answered 9/25/2016



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