A member asked:

What to do if i have bone marrow edema in a lot of parts of my foot/ankle (talus, etc.) i am wondering what is the difference between this and avascular necrosis?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Avascular necrosis: Is when the bone dies due to lack of blood, bone marrow edema is swelling within the confines of the bone. Did you have any kind of trauma to the bone ?

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Michael Gabor answered

Specializes in Diagnostic Radiology

Avascular necrosis: Marrow edema, like swelling anywhere else in the body, is a nonspecific response to any number of inflammatory, infectious, traumatic, vascular, autoimmune, arthritic, or neoplastic processes. Avascular necrosis, bone "death" due to insufficient blood supply, is one of many entities that can be associated with marrow edema.

Answered 6/28/2014



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