A member asked:

I'm four weeks late on my period, and actively trying to get pregnant, i have always been very regular but am diagnosed with anxiety. some symptom 1kd?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Linda Callaghan answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

No connection.: Your anxiety does not have anything to do with getting pregnant Go to your doctor and have a [pregnancy test, using HCG as it would be too early to get an accurate diagnosis by the home pregnancy tests.

Answered 5/31/2014



Anxiety Causes: There can be many causes of anxiety--including worrying about getting pregnant--so a history of your anxiety issues and symptoms would be necessary to understand why you are anxious. I would suggest you discuss this with your primary care physician who could then make an appropriate suggestion (or referral) based on your discussion.

Answered 6/16/2014



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