A member asked:

What are some good solid foods to try with my 14 mon old? she is picky and has eggs and tree but allergies and still on baby food.

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Lots + PATIENCE: Studies have shown that it takes an average of 10 tries for a toddler to accept a new food. So, offer her new solid foods to try, but don't immediately assume that she doesn't like it after just trying it once or twice. Be patient and keep offering. She may not as picky as you think. Always watch for signs of allergy with any new food and continue to avoid foods that contain tree nuts and eggs.

Answered 4/26/2012


Dr. Gary Steven answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

See your allergist: This is a discussion best held with the allergist who did the skin testing on your daughter. Your allergist can make much better recommendations about her specific situation than we can here on healthtap, and if you still have questions, can direct you to a dietician to get further advice.

Answered 12/14/2014



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