Are due to hormones: Common early pregnancy symptoms include some nausea (with or without vomiting), some fatigue (feeling less energetic), a sharper or stronger sense of smell, mild soreness and swelling of the breasts, and maybe some food aversions or cravings. These symptoms are due to quickly rising hormone levels.
Answered 6/18/2014
Missed period: Pregnancy symptoms may begin when the period is missed or later.
Answered 10/4/2016
Classic pregnancy: Sxs begin when period is missed or thereafter (6-8 wks). Sx’s can include: tender /swollen breasts, nausea or vomiting; lack of period; ^ frequency of urination; headaches, insomnia, fatigue. Moodiness, mild cramping, food cravings ; aversions; passing gas; enlarging waist line ; ^ white, milky vaginal discharge. Take pregnancy test to know.
Answered 5/19/2018
Sxs: Classic pregnancy symptoms usually don’t begin until the day your period is missed or after that. These can include: tender or swollen breasts, nausea or vomiting; lack of a period; increased frequency of urination; headaches, insomnia, fatigue. Moodiness, mild cramping, food cravings; passing gas; enlarging waist line. Etc. There may be an increase in white vaginal discharge. Take a hpt to know.
Answered 2/19/2014
Early Pregnancy sx's: Possible early pregnancy sxs: no period, breast swelling & tenderness w darkened areolas, thin, white & milky vaginal discharge, fatigue, ^ urination frequency, constipation, bloating, heartburn, backache, cramping, headache, food cravings or aversions, ^ sense of smell, enlarged waist, feeling faint/dizzy, mood swings,^ gas, insomnia, gagging & yawning. They may begin after missed period. Take >
Answered 11/13/2014
Nausea, vomiting: Usually morning sickness with nausea and vomiting. Abdominal swelling and missed period.
Answered 3/22/2022
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