A member asked:

Can you tell me how are b cells and t cells activated?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

In marrow and thymus: When the B cells and T cells were first identified among the population of lymphocytes by Bob Good, those cells that were activated in the thymus gland were designated as T cells and those in the bursa of Fabricius of the chicken and equivalent to bone marrow were designated as B cells. The former constituted cells that produced cytotoxic responses and the B cells were noted to produce antibodies

Answered 7/3/2014



By Exposure: Exposure to germs activates the immune system. There is also complex interaction and amplification among the cells. It is too complicated to explain in this small space. You should read a Biology or Immunology text, or look online, using sites such as the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins.

Answered 11/18/2014



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