Herpes simples: You do need to be careful if you have an active herpes lesion. You want to be careful not to touch the lesion and if you do you want to wash your hands well. You don't want to touch the sore and then touch other areas on your body. Also, you can give it to other people. If it is on your lip you do not want to kiss anyone when you have a sore and if it is in the private area you want to avoid sexua.
Answered 4/30/2014
Usually not: After a primary herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection, a person with a competent immune system will usually carry sufficient antibodies to resist auto-inoculation to other parts of the body. Spread of hsv occurs either (a) to other body parts when the immune system is suppressed, (b) to other individuals who have not yet encountered the virus, or (c) when contacting a different strain of the virus.
Answered 5/11/2014
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