No. Different: Hgh and testosterone are completely different hormones. They require different reagents for testing and have different reference ranges.
Answered 5/17/2013
1) No 2) Different: When screening for hypogonadism, check total testosterone. If it's low normal in symptomatic patient, consider checking free testosterone as sex hormone binding globulin sometimes binds up t. Be sure to check in morning as t is highest at that time (lowest in afternoon/evening). If you want to assess your growth hormone, check igf-1. If you want to prove gh deficiency, you need gh stimulation test.
Answered 5/14/2013
Two different tests: Growth homone released by pituitary gland in the brain when you are in deep sleep. Usually measured with an igf-1 test. Testosterone produced in testes, and has 2 peak relase times during am & pm. Usually measure with free and total testosterones levels.
Answered 1/18/2014
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