GET Seen: A leep procedure is an invasive surgery of the cervix using a 'hot loop of wire' to literally carve out an abnormal pre-cancerous area. Severe post-operative (post-op) bleeding from any surgery can be serious--so it is best to get seen. Perhaps a 'clot fell off 'or an artery got eroded. I had a 1 week post-op patient (from cervix cryo) develop artery bleeding which had to be fixed quickly.
Answered 5/6/2015
Please see doc: Delayed hemorrhage may occur one to two weeks after leep and is related to dissolving sutures or erosion of a blood vessel during the healing process. Bleeding often resolves with conservative measures in the office setting, such as application of silver nitrate or ferric subsulfate, suturing, or packing.
Answered 4/14/2016
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