Peak: Swelling or edema from a sizable ischemic cerebral infarct (stroke) tends to peak about 48-72 hrs after initial insult then ebbs over the subsequent 72-96 hours.
Answered 9/28/2016
Brain Edema: Brain usually develops swelling starting 3 days after stroke and peak 5 days and decreases in 7 days . Your brain can swell as a result of injury, illness, or other reasons. Brain swelling, though, can quickly cause serious problems -- including death. It's also usually more difficult to treat, because the bony skull doesn't let the brain to expand...
Answered 3/30/2017
3-5 days: Depending on the size of the initial stroke, 3-5 days is a fair "peak" period. Most danger is in the first week.
Answered 1/9/2016
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