A member asked:

Intercourse for 1st time last week.used a condom, pulled out and took plan b just in case. i feel bloated and had gurgling noises in stomach..pregnant?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Justin Diedrich answered

Specializes in Gynecology

Prob not: If you used a condom correctly (put it in right and used it the whole time) and he pulled out and you took plan b, the chance if you being pregnant is about (.15)x(.15)x(.15)=0.003 or 0.3 %. Now i'm not saying it's impossible, but very very unlikely. Hope all is well. Find a doc to start a more reliable (less anxiety provoking) long acting birth control. Look up iuds and subdermal implant.

Answered 3/23/2017


Dr. Derek Farley answered

Specializes in Urgent Care

Likely not: If you utilized all those methods effectively, the likelihood of all of those methods failing at once would be exceedingly low. Either the symptoms you describe are unrelated to these events, or they could be side effects of plan b. In either case, do a pregnancy check in 2-3 weeks if you are still concerned. By the way, factor in when your last period was, when the next one should be, etc.

Answered 3/31/2015



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