A member asked:

4 days in a row i've woken to bad headaches and body aches. so bad i can't sleep. during the day i take tylenol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen and it helps.

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Many causes: Emerging headache pattern should be evaluated and causation diagnosed. Appropriate treatment can break up pattern. This could involve high blood pressure, jaw or dental issues, migraine, neck problems, thyroid issues...See your doctor.

Answered 3/27/2014


Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

See a Dr.: If these symptoms continue, you need to see a dr. Rather than masking the effects with meds. Need to get to the source of your problems.

Answered 3/28/2014



See Combination:: Ibuprofen tends to reduce or eliminate the action of tylenol (acetaminophen). Better to take 1-aspirin + 1-tylenol (acetaminophen) as they enhance each other. Even though they do different things, they work hand-in-hand with each other. Also stay warm and take in sufficient water (as opposed to other fluids - coffee, tea, soda [sodas are particularly damaging to the human body, get totally off of them]).

Answered 4/4/2016



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