Your question is?: You have not asked a question. Be careful with meds ordered over the internet, especially from those sites that do not require a prescription. There is no way to know what you are actually buying or the purity of that pill.
Answered 3/24/2014
Not health question: Yes, you face a dilemma, although this is not a health question, except to note that withdrawal is likely if Klonopin (clonazepam) is stopped suddenly. Clonazepam is easily detected on drug screens ; lasts a long time in the body. Maybe be honest with the new job ; hope for the best? As a doctor, not a job counselor, i can't really say. Good luck.
Answered 5/24/2017
That is a problem.: Were the stockpiled medications obtained legally with valid prescriptions? If no - this is indeed problematic. If you obtained medication via a legal route - would consider providing receipt - although, not sure how far it will get you. If you obtained the meds illegally - then you do have a dilemma. Take care.
Answered 3/25/2014
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