A member asked:

I run a lot gone nonstop for the last 21 day's strait i take adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) 60mgs a day with no problem. today i'm abnormally tired but not sleepy. normal?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

All organisms must: Rest - that includes human. How about working in some breaks for your body to rest. You can also do a cardio mix. Take care.

Answered 3/17/2014



Need sleep: Your body cannot run nonstop without enough sleep. Our bodies need about 8 hours sleep a night. Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) is a stimulant or an upper and you have not noticed you body telling you to slow down till now. Slow down and get enough rest.

Answered 6/24/2014



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