A member asked:

I can never reach orgasm during sexual dreams even if very close. is this normal? psychological issue?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Dream response: Sexual expression varies a great deal from person to person. If you have no problems w/health or sexuality outside of your dreams what you mention is not significant. If you struggle w/conflicted feelings on the topic and/or in relationship a clinical psychologist can help you clarify things. The very best to you.

Answered 3/4/2014



Hmmmmmm: In terms of evolution, there is little need for orgasm during dreaming, since this never (or rarely) leads to procreation. Thus, this cannot be an indicator of a psychological (or for that matter a physical) problem. If you can achieve orgasm during sex while awake, and it is satisfying, no worries then!

Answered 5/10/2016



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