Depends.: The withdrawal period will depend on the dose and the length of time you've taken Remeron (mirtazapine). It would be safe to gradually taper by decreasing 7.5 mg. every 3 days , if you are on 45 mg. but if you have some symptoms of insomnia and irritability , stay on the same dose for up to a week then drop by another 7.5 mg for another 3 days until you are done.
Answered 6/23/2014
Withdrawal: There have been reports of adverse reactions upon the discontinuation of REMERONĀ® (mirtazapine) Tablets (particularly when abrupt), including but not limited to the following: dizziness, abnormal dreams, sensory disturbances (including paresthesia and electric shock sensations), agitation, anxiety, fatigue, confusion, headache, tremor, nausea, vomiting, and sweating, or other symptoms which may be of clinical significance. The majority of the reported cases are mild and self-limiting
Answered 5/1/2016
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