A member asked:

32years old male high tsh level and normal t3 (liothyronine) and t4, 5.58 tsh//ft3, free, serum 4.92 , 3.2 ft4, fee, serum 17.5 , 1.36. im on 75mg t4 didn't help fatigue.

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Thyroid: The TSH is only minimally elevated and that may well be simply a lab error. Your t3 (liothyronine) and T4 are near the top of the reference interval. Put this together and it is unlikely that your thyroid labs are contributing to your fatigue. Are you sleeping well? Are you overweight? You might need to have a sleep study. Please check with your primary care doctor.

Answered 1/15/2015



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