A member asked:

Please tell me about how a hand cast is taken off?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Steven Brown answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Cast saw: A cast saw is used to split the cast. It is a vibratory saw that will only cut hard material and avoids potential of cutting patient. The cast is then spread at the cuts and the padding is divided to remove the cast.

Answered 3/29/2014


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

A cast saw: Is an oscillating device that vibrates, It does not spin. It will cut into a hard cast but not into soft padding or skin or tissue if it is not dragged across. In other word used properly. I typically show the patient how the cast sits on my skin before I remove a cat to reassure them. remember it does not spin it merely oscialltes or vibrates that is why is won't cut soft things

Answered 5/26/2017



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