A member asked:

I burned my hand with boiling water and its burning really bad. if i put vaporub on it will it make it worse?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Charles Breaux answered

Specializes in Pediatric Surgery

Vaporub won't help: You need to keep the wound clean and apply a topical antibiotic ointment (e.g., polysporin, (bacitracin and polymyxin) bacitracin, neosporin, triple-antibiotic ointment). Use Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen for pain. Get good nutrition to have all the necessary building blocks for wound healing. If the wound is not healing soon (i.e., in 1 to 2 weeks), or if it seems like it's getting infected, seek formal medical attention.

Answered 7/28/2019



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