A member asked:

I have astigmatism & light sensitivity. i bought new glasses. still have severe night time glare. doc says eyes will adjust. its been a month. do i have to live with the glare? visit another doctor?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Glare: Glare can be due to many things besides astigmatism-- you may have a cataract, you may have other eye problems--- some people will use slightly tinted glasses for night driving-- others will use special mirrors that dim down with oncoming headlights from behind-- it is ok to get another opinion from another doc, but first, make sure the glasses were made correctly...

Answered 12/24/2014


Dr. Abdul Khan answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Glare: If glare is a common symptom in middle-age or older individuals, then should be checked for cataracts. Other eye conditions may also cause significant glare.

Answered 1/16/2014



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