A member asked:

What do i do about severe sciatica - please help!?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Conservative Therapy: Start with physical therapy. Depends on what is causing the sciatic pain? If traced back to the nerve roots, interventional pain physicians can also be helpful.

Answered 4/3/2016



Integrative care: A herniated disc can cause back pain as well as foot pain by physically pressing on the nerves that travel to the foot and by irritating them through the extrusion of pro-inflammatory disc materials. Physical therapy and other conservative measures, including medication management, are considered first line treatment. If these fail, your physician may recommend epidural steroid injections.

Answered 1/4/2014


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Stretching: Many times acute sciatic pain will resolves after stretching the area abit. The muscles will loosen up and help resolve pain. If not, then consider further imaging studies to see which exact nerve in your spine is getting pinched for further treatment options.

Answered 1/7/2015



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