A member asked:

Orthognathic surgery for bilateral complete cleft lip and palate, can you tell me more?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Team approach: The best approach for treating these problems is a team of specialists that work together as a team.

Answered 12/24/2013


Dr. James Sunwoo answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Clefts and Jaw Sx: In cleft patients, it is common for the maxilla to fail to develop along normal growth patterns, a lot of this has to do with scarring from previous surgeries. In order to correct for this underdevelopment of the upper jaw, orthognathic surgery is performed. Typically, the upper jaw is advanced forward, and because it is a bilateral cleft, it will be technically be a three-piece segmental LeFort.

Answered 9/1/2014



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