Diarrhea: Broad range of possibilities including irritable bowel, lactose intolerance or other dietary considerations. Discuss with your doctor.
Answered 3/10/2013
Diet maybe: Diarrhea can be due to infections, inflammation, tumors, narrowing, increased motility from meds, stress, or die. Keep a food journal, add more fiber to bulk up your stool & see your doc for futher eval. The most common dietary sources are dairy, gluten, sugar and soy. Eliminate the one you think is the problem or all, wait 3 weeks to clear, & slowly add back one at a time & see if you get symptoms.
Answered 5/19/2015
Diarrhea: There shouldn't be. May want to see if there is correlation with diet. O/w it should be further evaluated.
Answered 3/31/2012
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