Depends: A collapsed lung is called a "pneumothorax." sometimes this may occur spontaneously, but often it is a result of trauma. When too much pressure builds on the side of the collapsed lung, this can shift to the other side of your chest and inhibit blood flow to your heart and breathing, called "tension pneumothorax" that is an immediate threat to your life.
Answered 3/30/2016
Yes: A collapsed lung is an emergency and can be life threatening. It should be addressed immediately in the emergency room. If you suspect a collapsed lung call 911. Sometimes small "collapses" of the lung can be minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic.
Answered 2/24/2018
Can be, and yes: However a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) can also be relatively mild needing only close monitoring (chest xray) or peraps needle/valve drainage. Occassionaly minor surgery is needed.
Answered 7/6/2018
Yes: Sometimes, if the pneumothorax creates enough pressure, it can compress the right side of the heart. This can decreases the blood return to the heart. Without adequate blood return, your heart does not have enough blood to pump out to your body. This is potentially rapidly fatal.
Answered 3/30/2016
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