A member asked:

21 years old..had mitral valve repair heart surgery..i love drinking coffee, use to drink more than one cup a day..can i still have caffeine?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Yes: One cup probably will not hurt if you do not have symptoms. But the real question to ask is, "why would you want to jeopardize your health?" consider that you might need to talk about your feelings of having had the procedure with you physician. Sounds like you have some issues you need to discuss. Personally i would consider myself "allergic to caffeine" as an excuse not to be tempted.

Answered 7/22/2014



Yes: As long as you do not have signs of caffeine overdose, like palpitations, you should be ok.

Answered 11/23/2013


Dr. Reid Blackwelder answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Yes, but...: Without knowing what kind of surgery it is hard to be completely sure about recommendations, however some caffeine is likely quite safe. In general, it is good to be moderate in using such stimulants as caffeine as they can result in fast heart rates and elevated blood pressure. But as exercise can also raise heart rate, what happens with caffeine should not be a problem.

Answered 11/23/2013



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